
Walking to Wellness – 2023
May 4, 2023
A Trail Walking Clinic for Women Focusing on Mental Health
*Please fill out these quick registration forms before purchasing a ticket*
Basic Registration Form:
Par-Q Form:
Purchase a Ticket:
We are partnering in this endeavour with Sue from OntheGroundCounselling and the city of Prince George to bring Walking to Wellness to the community.
This is a 5.5 week trail walking clinic for women designed to enhance mental and physical health. This is not your average clinic!
Group members will safely explore trails in Prince George, BC while connecting with fellow community members and improving their mental wellness.
This clinic is led by a registered clinical counsellor and physical education professional with a group of experienced trail walkers.
Each participant will receive a specially designed T shirt and a post clinic group will be facilitated to encourage continued connection between participants after the clinic is completed.
Participants will attend the clinic every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 6:30 pm. Sessions will end at approximately 8:00 to 8:15 pm depending on the guest speaker. Clinic attendees will also commit to one self-directed session each week.
The Clinic begins May 23rd and completes on June 27th 2023 – participation will be limited to 12 individuals who will be formed into walking groups with support facilitators per group. Participants will receive detailed information on where each session will begin as locations will vary. This clinic will familiarize participants with their local trails, landmarks, plants, and animals while improving mental wellness in a safe and supportive setting.
Worried about bears? A flusher and their dog will walk and clear the trail prior to 6 pm and while this is not a full guarantee, whistles, bear spray and safety vests will be utilized by group leaders and your leader is certified in Wilderness First Aid.
Each session will also have a specific mental health and/or educational component on such topics as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, safety and fitness. Community volunteers experienced both in trail walking and health and fitness will assist your facilitator to further strengthen community connections for group members.
Progressive schedules and individual instructional tips will further personalize the experience for each participants. A social media component (Facebook group) will be provided to deepen connections for the duration of the clinic and a goal setting and celebration event will occur to recognize accomplishments.
Before and after surveys will help measure positive changes and assist each individual to determine their future health goals and participants will be encouraged to set post clinic personal goals.
*Please fill out these quick registration forms before purchasing a ticket*
Basic Registration Form:
Par-Q Form:
Purchase a Ticket:
Any Questions? – Contact Sue
Sue MacDonald –